
We help hospitals breathe more easier with new 7 series Aluminium Cylinders!

Alcan Cylinders are dedicated to introducing Next-Generation & Sustainable products for the betterment of Society.

At Alcan, we have developed 7 series Aluminium Cylinders ultra – lightweight which are specially designed to withstand at Higher Working Pressure of 300 Bar than traditional Cylinders which can hold till 150 Bar or 200 Bar Working Pressure.

This new series Cylinders allows Larger Gas Capacity with the lighter weight, so it is benefiting Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities as the light weight facilitates portability in Hospitals from one ward to the other, Surgical Rooms to Ward, or during the hospital transfers it helps healthcare professionals for effortless onsite operations.

An additional advantage of 7 series Cylinders is smaller size of the Cylinders occupy very less space so it is convenient to keep the Cylinders in the patient’s room, MRI Room, in Ambulance as well as it can easily fit to the patient’s stretcher or wheelchair.

Moreover, the 7 series Aluminium Cylinders are made of special alloy which allows very high strength in spite of light weight and it is totally corrosion free in nature, so the lifecycle of the Cylinders is very long.

7 series Aluminium Cylinders are the future of the Medical & Healthcare industry.

For more information about this new series, please contact us below.

Whatsapp:- +91 9167676685

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